Keeping your car in a good condition keeps you safe on the road. It can also save you heaps of money in the long-term. Prevention is 1000 times better than cure when it comes to your vehicle. Basic maintenance is cheaper than the major repairs, usually caused by neglect.
Car’s service manual is full of handy information and tips. Few important details that a car’s manual include are, how to check tyre pressure, which fluids to top up and how often, what to do when your engine overheats and how to change the bulbs in your blinker lights. It guides you to perform basic maintenance jobs on the car in the correct way.
Vehicle technology overtime
Vehicle technology has improved drastically overtime. Car engines are far more advanced than they were few decades ago. Though the modern engines are more complex still the list of simple things to do to keep it running right are largely the same as they were half a century ago.
Some garages also call a major service as a master service or a gold service. A major service is of the highest level in terms of car servicing packages available. The recommendation is to have a major car service every 24 months or every 24,000 miles. This is one of the most important services that your car will receive. It is essentially a complete overall check of the vehicle which is necessary after 24,000 miles of driving. This is because at this point certain parts of the car will have experienced wear and tear or damage over time.
Plans Available
Different garages name their service plans differently. Do not confuse yourself with that. Just think of your car servicing in terms of your miles or the number of months from your previous service. To see what the garage is including in their service packages, always remember to check your quote. It is really that simple.
Everything which contributes a full service is in a major car service. This also includes even more in-depth checks like spark plugs, brake fluid, suspension and fuel filter checks.
What does a Major Car Service consists of?
A major service includes replacing transmission and differential oils. These oils lubricate the ring and pinion gears that transfer power from the driveshaft to the wheel axles.
Checking and replacing brake and clutch fluid, adjusting tappet clearance to make sure the most important parts in your engine keep running in optimal condition, checking and replacing wheel bearing grease, to name a few are amongst the additional items to check as a part of the major service.
You can count on a major service after two minor ones, so about every three year or 30,000km. This is usually also the right time to think about replacing spark plugs. Another example can be cabin and fuel filters and timing belts. Your logbook can tell you exactly when these services are necessary.

Major Service
A major service covers all the minor service elements, in more depth, with some additional servicing requirements. Below is a list of what is above and beyond a minor service. This is to help you better understand a major car service.
- Check and top up all fluids.
- Check tyres and pressures.
- Inspect the vehicle for safety issues.
- Check all external engine belts and hoses.
- Check the battery, cooling system and coolant condition.
- Replace spark plugs.
- Wheel bearings take all the weight of your car, so it is important to look after them.
- Change all transmission oils.
Major Service needs a full day
It needs a complete day for a major service on most of the vehicles. The cost of a major service varies depending on the vehicle type and the service which is specified.
At the end of a service you can request a log of all works completed so you can understand what your car required. Each service will vary depending on the type of car you drive, so it is important to familiarize yourself with your owner’s manual. Request a list of all works required before any work is done to allow you to compare to the works completed and see where the problems areas are with your car.

Change of Spark Plugs
An integral part of car’s motor is spark plug. It provides ignition to keep the vehicle moving on the road. They often wear out with time and during a major service, clean or change these plugs to prevent problems in the engine. This also helps to maximise the fuel economy of the car.
Oil and Filter Change
The most important maintenance service for any car is regular oil and filter changes in which the old and black dirty oil is replaced with new and clean oil. To keep the oil clean and free of debris, replace the oil filter. This keeps the engine running healthily for a very long time.
Battery Test and Report
A car battery is the only power source used for getting your vehicle started. Maintaining a healthy battery is thus important to avoid breakdown. Conduct a battery test during a major car service. Check the battery starting and charging systems, the voltage output as well as the charging rate of the battery during the battery checking. The entire electrical system is also checked.
Brake Repairs and Replacements
A lot is there to inspect in car brakes, hydraulic brake fluid, power brake booster, disc brakes, brake pedal, brake master cylinder, drum brakes and brake shoe on front or rear wheels etc. They are cleaned, adjusted, repaired or replaced depending on their condition.
All Fluids Replaced
The fluids in your coolant, transmission, braking systems and power steering are included in the same. Replacing these fluids regularly is vital to the performance and longevity of your vehicle. This is irrespective of whether you drive in severe or normal conditions. The old fluids are always flushed out and are replaced with the new ones during a major service to keep your car running strong.
Timing Belt
Some engines have timing belt while others have a timing chain. Just like drive belts, timing belts are rubber hence they need replacement during a major service. Replac the water pump, pulleys and tensioner, when changing the timing belts. A major engine failure can result if these replacements are ignored in the long run.

Contact us in case of help
To book your next service or for more information on our Services and Mechanics in Truganina, Victoria, you can contact us on +61 426-533-774. We at Western Prestige Auto are proud of ourselves as we fulfil our commitment to delivering world-class services in Truganina, Victoria.